
Archive for the ‘Summary’ Category

Not A Perfect Day

Fell  asleep at 1 0’clock and wake up at 8 o’clock in the same day,but not felt too sleepy.Yesterday I downloaded some videos about Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, Video Lectures .I watched the first chapter fully,feel inspiring.The professor talks plainly and deliver the nature of computer science in depth.But in the afternoon ,in the following several videos it began deliver the classical problem such as Hanoi and Fibanachi Problem,as there are too abstract and the professor’s fast accent,I quit !!

In evening I am mostly engaged in finishing the user login part of the DRP project!

Though boring,I get a tip about JSP:

The/character :I use the RequestDispatcher object to forward a page but it always can’t functioning .At last I found I had omitted the / in the beginning of the url parameter.

One day’s conclusion:Not get this day’s full potential /Have not got a daily plan though I had embedded a scheduler in Google Peronal page–write the things down is always help.

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Record The First Day

I  waked up early this morning but sleep again until nealy eleven o’clock. After having a simple breakfast,I got into the work—contiue the DRP Project until nearly four 0’clock.What’s boring me is the low configuration of the computer I am using.

During the serveral hours I finished the User Manager part.

What get my attention is the difference between response.sendRedirect(String url) and request.getRequestDispatcher(String url).Forward(req,res) ,the two methods’ parameter ‘url’:the first ‘url’ used needn’t a ServletContextPath–it’s contained and relative,but the second ‘url’ will need a absolute path.But think a little more ,it’s obvious. The method sendRedirect belong to the Response object ,it can goto any place out of the Web Server .While the RequestDispatcher object belong to the Request object,it has the information of ServletContextPath.

In the late afternoon,I began to watch the SSH part of video.Got the first serveral chapter over.Feeling good but didn’t found something really new.

This piece of blog is not that clear.It consists of technique thought and simple summary.So it’s time to add a new category!

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